People know that everyone has their own strength, but not everyone realize that they are smart. People sometimes underestimated themselves for their mistakes and they will think that they don’t smart or clever at all. Most of people think that they don’t have any skills at all. Everyone have to realize that they are smart in many ways. The theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) say that human beings are smart in many ways.
There are eight types of intelligences in children and adult. The intelligences are : 1. Linguistic intelligence (word smart), 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence (number-reasoning smart), 3. Spatial intelligence (picture smart), 4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (body smart), 5. Musical-rhythmic intelligence (music smart), 6. Interpersonal intelligence (people smart), 7. Intrapersonal intelligence ( self smart), 8. Naturalist intelligence (nature smart). People that have linguistic intelligence usually like memorizing words learn about grammar, and this people usually speak, write, and express oneself in words. Next, people that have logical-mathematical intelligence usually like making charts, diagrams, and they usually use numbers, use logic, make calculations, and others. People that have spatial intelligence usually like painting, drawing, use graphs and map, find different routes to a place. Then, people that have bodily-kinesthetic intelligence usually like to move around in some place, coordinate muscles, do sports, use body language. People that have musical-rhythmic intelligence usually like singing, be musical, hear and produce intonations and rhythms. People that have interpersonal intelligence usually like group and pair interactions, they like to communicate with other, understand other people, actually it’s something that connect them with other people. People that have intrapersonal intelligence usually like to know one self, feel confident, be able to analyze one self. And the last, people that have naturalist intelligence usually like to take care of and play with animals, like trees, flowers, and other things in nature, and they like to understand nature, be aware of the environment, they notice this a lot. People don’t think that they can’t do something useful in their life because they not smart, they have to know that they have something besides IQ that can more useful for their live. Thus, we have to believe that there are some of the multiple intelligences inside of us. We just find it out, train it, and after that make it as our strength. Believe in yourself that you are smart in many ways. So, what is your type?
(lissa amalia XI ipa 1)
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